hi friends,
This week's note is a little longer than usual but it’s worth it. Let's get into it…
You were created for such a time as this. You were created for today.
The chaos we’re living in? The uncertainty? The noise?
Yes, right now.
You could’ve been born 100 years ago or 100 years from now. But you weren’t. There’s a reason you were born for this exact moment.
God doesn’t make mistakes. And you weren’t created to sit back and watch the world burn. You were created to become an answer to a problem.
You are a solution. You are an answer to someone’s prayer. You are here to help.
The one thing that’s always been true about the world is that there are problems. Problems aren’t new—they’re constant. Sure, sometimes they feel more intense than others...like right now.
But here’s the thing: we (humans) are incredible problem solvers. Every day, we solve problems big and small. What matters most is knowing which problem is ours to focus on.
Let me explain:
Imagine a big glass room where all kinds of things are happening inside. You and I are standing outside the room, looking in. Maybe there’s something happening on the left side that drives me crazy, and I say, “Do you see that? Why is that happening like that?” But you might shrug and say, “That doesn’t bother me at all.”
Then you point out something in the center that horrifies you, but it doesn’t faze me.
There’s a reason for this. What frustrates me is not meant to frustrate you. What bothers me deeply might not even register with you.
Why? Because we’re wired to be agitated by different things. The things that stir us, frustrate us, or annoy us? Those are clues. We’re meant to fix those things. To solve them. To improve them. This is what I call divine agitation.
Divine agitation is that deep, holy restlessness that shakes up your comfort and demands more of you. It’s not rooted in fear or worry—it’s a purposeful stirring that won’t let you settle.
It pushes you to grow, to align with your higher purpose, and to step boldly into the vision you’re called to fulfill. It’s a refining disruption, stripping away what’s holding you back and awakening you to the fullness of who you’re becoming and what you’re meant to do.
When we’re frustrated, overwhelmed, or in pain, the first thing we usually ask is: “What do I need to do?”
We jump straight into doing—making lists, staying busy, and hacking productivity to avoid feeling discomfort. Or, we swing the other way and decide what we’re NOT going to do, like ignoring the news altogether.
But here’s the thing: whether we’re frantically doing all the things or opting to do none of the things, the divine agitation doesn’t go away. We end up right back where we started—frustrated, overwhelmed, and in pain.
Why? Because we’re skipping the most critical piece of the cycle: becoming.
Before jumping into doing, we need to pause and ask ourselves:
Who am I becoming?
Becoming our best work means becoming an answer to a problem. It means stepping into the person who can solve that problem, the person who becomes an answered prayer for someone else.
We’re not here to take from the earth. We’re here to give back and serve it.
There’s this principle in the bible called the law of first mention. The Law of First Mention is the idea that the first time something is introduced or described in biblical text, it often sets the tone or gives important clues about its meaning for everything that follows. It’s like laying a foundation for understanding.
Our becoming framework is based on this foundational scripture in Genesis 1:28 (KJV) on the creation and dominion mandate for humans: "And God blessed them, and God said unto them, Be fruitful, and multiply, and replenish the earth, and subdue it: and have dominion over the fish of the sea, and over the fowl of the air, and over every living thing that moveth upon the earth."
Notice, God never started with “do,” He began with “be.”
So, here’s how we begin to figure out who we’re becoming, we can break it into five parts:
Be – What is your form?
Form dictates expression. Your design defines how you function and fulfill your purpose.Do – What do you actually do or accomplish?
This is about your specific function or role.Who – Who are you designed and assigned to serve?
Greatness is about service, and the people you’re called to serve are often tied to your own pain and frustration.By – How will you accomplish this?
What practical steps will you take to move closer to fulfilling your purpose?Have – What will the “who” receive or experience as a result of your becoming?
This is about the impact your growth creates for others.
The goal of writing a becoming statement is not for it to be perfect and precise. The goal is to get something down that we can work with, iterate on and build from.
Here’s what I want us to do – I want you to get out a piece of paper…old school… pen and or pencil. I’m a pencil person. I can only write in pencil. Idk, something about being able to sketch and erase things. There’s also something with writing by hand that feels more spiritual to me than typing.
I want you to find a quiet place when you answer these questions. Where you turn off the screen, no music, no tv, no background noise. Answer in the most honest, specific and quickest way possible. Don’t overthink it. I’m sharing my answers so you can see how we’ll shape this into a becoming statement.
Ok, ready?
Question #1: What is an area of your life or the world that is currently impacting you and making you feel incredibly frustrated, annoyed or sad?
the modern workplace
Question #2: From your perspective and vantage point, what specifically is not working for you?
i know i’m destined for greatness but it limits and suppresses who I am and what I can do
Question #3: As a result of #2 not working, what are you afraid will happen to you?
i’m afraid that i won’t be able to create generational success and use all the gifts God gave me
Question #4: If #2 was solved perfectly, what would you be experiencing or receiving that you're currently not getting right now?
fulfillment, impact and increase
Question #5: What are three things you would need to solve question #2? Be as specific as possible.
Eden-like environments
Embodied and Servant leaders
Be in expression of my best work with work i care about
Question #6: what would you actually need to do —create, build, design, etc — in order to get access to those 3 things in question #5?
founding new billion dollar companies that impactful and have scale
develop a scalable system for leadership training and development
Share everything I learned in products and content for others to follow
Question #7: Who would you need to be in order for this to happen?
A leader, a serial entrepreneur and a guide
here it goes all together in the correct order. You’ll notice I use words like “us” instead of me in some places and include myself in the “who” and “have.”
Be – answer to #7
I am a visionary leader, serial entrepreneur and guide
Who – answers to #1 and #2
For those of us who know we are great but have been limited and suppressed by the modern workplace
Do – answers to #5
That is in my expression of my best work, creates Eden-like environments and develops the next generation of embodied and servant leaders
By – answers to #6
By founding new billion dollar companies, creating scalable systems for leadership training and development and capturing and sharing everything I learn in products and content
Have – answers to #3 and #4
So that more of us can have generational success, be in full expression of gifts and experience fulfillment, impact and increase.
OK, now, one last edit. We can’t do all of these things. The most important part is to choose the ones that you can’t live without, the ones that are calling you.
Here’s my final:
I am a visionary leader
for those of us who know we are great but are suppressed and not seen by the modern workplace
that creates Eden-like environments
by founding new billion dollar companies
so that we can experience fulfillment in our work.
This is who I’m becoming. Everything I do, flows out of this. It informs how I spend my time, what I focus on and more importantly what I don’t do. It empowers me, it energizes me, it propels me and no one can take this from me – no matter how crazy it looks outside. It’s personal for me because this was one of the greatest sources of my pain and this has been my path.
I cannot solve every problem, but I will spend the rest of my life becoming the answer to this one.
Sending you much love wherever you are,
What do you think? Is this clear or helpful for you? I’d love to hear/see your becoming statements in the comments.
I am a luminary for those of us who are exhausted by conforming at work that communicates the leadership principles of Jesus by creating safe spaces for changemakers so that we can recover our power.
Divine agitation? Oh you're a genius! Thank you for sharing your gifts with us.