
Saying hello and sharing something for you to listen to...

trying out this substack video thing.

hi friends,

will keep it brief this week. the holiday season always makes me slow down. the natural rhythm of the year. hope you’re slowing down too.

last week, I was on my dear friend Natalie Manuel Lee’s podcast last week, Now with Natalie. such a beautiful space to talk about the fullness of life in all it’s forms — emotionally, spiritually, professionally, relationally. it’s probably the most i’ve been open about my life in these last few years and specifically what my walk with God has looked like. we also talked about the journey to building why?! So much packed in 44 min.

sharing in case it blesses you. Spotify. Apple. YouTube below…

when i asked folks what parts resonated, here are some of the things i heard…

“I think the part about staying the course, even when the old path might be beckoning with its illusion of security and financial reward. Staying true to the reason you started.”

“So many! I think the biggest thing is surrendering to let whatever your purpose is and let it lead you vs trying to always lead something. It’s like God will always always guide you to your rightful path. So we just have to listen. And follow.”

“When you quoted the book of Mathew ‘you have to lose your life in order to find it.’ That just hit me really deep. I think I’m in the midst of that and it’s hard to sometimes believe there is another side. Oh and lastly it reminded me that I need to start journaling again!”

“ALL OF IT! The reframe around resistance. Your candor about having to surrender and what that actually means. Your sharing that it’s important that we understand that God’s original intent for us was Eden! I could go on.. so many gems! Definitely a convo I need to play back a few times.”

I sent it to three friends. It’s just such a refreshing conversation. The rollercoaster year I’ve had, the only thing I’ve had to lean on is faith! And we don’t talk about the role of faith in our careers enough!

i’m not sure how much i’ll write this month. you know i don’t play about rest.

if i feel called, i’ll share something. but i’m so excited for 2025. we have so much in store for BestWork and taking things to the next level. stay tuned!

sending you so much love wherever you are,
