We need to talk.
Right now, the world is LOUD. Chaos surrounds us—wars, disasters, scandals, betrayals. It feels like the ground beneath us is crumbling. Many of us are burned out, over everything, and barely holding on.
America is wild.
This administration has mastered the art of pulling focus. Every tweet, every soundbite, every headline—it’s designed to hijack our attention. The goal is to keep us glued to the spectacle, caught in the drama, distracted from our purpose and stuck in a cycle of hopelessness for the next four years and beyond.
They want us so consumed by the noise that we forget there’s a world outside the chaos—a world where we’re supposed to be building, growing, and stepping into who we’re meant to be.
The decisions being made right now will have real consequences on our lives. They will shape our realities in ways we can’t fully predict. At the same time, we can only control what we can control.
So what does this mean?
We can’t navigate this time by ourselves.
We can’t carry this weight alone.
We’re not designed to and we don’t have to.
We're going to need two things:
each other.
the one who created us.
As they do them, we’re gonna focus on us.
Who Are We
Let me remind you of who we are.
We are not accidents. We are not just names, titles, or collections of experiences. we are not our political parities. We are not the world’s idea of us. Not social media’s version. Not even the expectations of those closest to us.
We are God’s idea.
We were uniquely formed, created with precision and given an assignment and purpose while we’re here. Before you got here, God formed you and knew you. He had an intentional plan for your life. He promised to give you hope and a future. Although the world is changing rapidly, God does not and has not ever changed. We need to recalibrate and put our focus on Him.
Where Are We
Right now, we’re at a crossroads.
And whether we realize it or not, we only have three options:
Stay the same. Keep going through the motions, numbing ourselves with distractions, and hoping things magically get better. (Spoiler: they won’t.)
Give up. Surrender to the noise, the hopelessness, and the lie that nothing we do matters.
Make a move. Clear the clutter, silence the noise, and pursue our purpose aggressively. Intentionally. Without apology.
We’re here because we’re option three people. We know there’s more. We know there’s a better way. We know we were created for such a time as this. Option three is the only path that leads us to freedom.
Make Room for Your Becoming
Amid all the noise, only one question will matter at the end our lives:
Did we become who God created us to be?
In order to answer this question honestly, we have to first make room. It’s not about adding new practices and more to our life right now. It’s not about doing more or making bold and drastic moves. Making room is about removal and clearing the distractions:
…the endless TikToks.
…performing on social.
…hiding and isolating.
…the self-help books, podcasts, voices and gurus that promise everything but deliver nothing.
…the ideologies of ever-changing political parties.
…the destructive practices that keep us bound.
…what our friends think.
…what our families think.
We need to make room to hear the voice of the one who created us.
(Re)Introducing BestWork: The Becoming Headquarters
Starting in 2019, my life completely started to burn to the ground. but it wasn’t on my own terms. there was so much chaos, noise, disillusionment, overwhelm. it hit me so hard, that i literally collapsed and everything that I thought was stable fell apart — my marriage, friendships, career, beliefs, family, health, all of it. It was painful and messy. But it also led me to surrender my plans and submit to God’s will for my life because my way wasn’t working.
I wish I would have made room for becoming proactively, but for me it happened as a result of resistance and lack of awareness about what was happening. Regardless of how it happened, it was for sure for the better and it completely transformed my life. I wouldn't be saying this or offering this to you if I hadn't lived it first hand.
Since then, everything has changed. Despite the chaos around me and in this world, I feel clear, prepared, and in alignment more than ever before. I’m not just surviving; I’m in expression of my best work. Finally.
Here’s what I know to be true and my hope for all of us:
Becoming our best work means aligning our life and work with God’s original design for us.
That’s why we‘ve created BestWork—a community for all of us who are ready to clear the noise, reclaim our purpose, and become the best work of our lives.
Becoming Together
I also want to introduce you to Kevin Stuckey—one of my closest friends and a key partner in BestWork. Kevin isn’t just an incredible coach; he’s someone with a deep heart for people, a heart for God, and a unique gift for helping others recover their power. His own experience with burnout forced him to make room in his life for a rest ethic that would put us both on a sustainable path to becoming together.
We’re teaming up because we believe in the transformative power of community. Community isn’t just about connection—it’s the great accelerator. It’s the space where growth happens faster, deeper, and more powerfully. Together, we’re building a space where we can grow, learn, and practically apply wisdom that will help us become everything we’re meant to be.
here’s what to expect from BestWork every week:
Becoming Our Best Work | Sundays at 5p est
Every Sunday night, this space will be our headquarters. Essays, insights, practices, lessons from lived experiences and the essentials to get into the
practice of becoming our best work.
The Morning Word | Monday - Friday at 6 a.m.
Think of this as our spiritual espresso shot—a daily word to awaken our minds and spirits. A short, intentional dose of truth to help us start our day centered, focused, and inspired.
The Rest Ethic | Fridays at noon
This will be our weekly reminder to rest. When we live by a rest ethic we work from a place of rest, we don't work to earn rest. Resting isn’t about laziness; it’s about living in rhythm, working from peace instead of striving for it. This weekly pause will help you reset your focus so you can keep becoming without burning out.
Building Why | Monthly when I feel like it
This will pull back the curtain on my journey as a founder, leader, and creator. The unfiltered truth about walking out purpose—what’s working, what’s challenging, and the lessons I’m learning along the way. It’s not polished or perfect, but it’s real, and I hope it inspires you to keep building your own “why.”
It's dark. It's likely to get darker. But light shines brightest in the dark. This is the year everything changes. This is the year we stop surviving and start becoming. This is the year we make room to become the best work of our lives.
Sending you so much love wherever you are,