To Los Angeles, With Love
A letter to a city misunderstood yet extraordinary, leading the world in its darkest hour.
I can’t imagine what it must feel like to be in LA right now. I know the coverage and the images don’t do it justice. The still frames and sound bites could never capture the enormity of what you’re experiencing. I hope you feel how much we’ve all been thinking of you. Gathering to pray for you. You are on our minds day and night.
Despite some of the rhetoric in the media and the noise on social, please know we are focused on YOU. Not on what happened or how this happened, but the fact that it has happened—and is still happening.
Your city has always been misunderstood. From the outside looking in, people think that LA is all about wealth, celebrity, and influence. They reduce it to glitz, glamour, nice beaches, and “perfect” weather. But we know better. We know that LA is so much more than that. It’s a city of dreamers and creators. Of audacious hearts who dare to believe in the beauty of their dreams. It’s a city of artists, a sanctuary of expression, and holy in its own way.
LA embodies the first mandate of God—to create. In the very first mention of humanity in Genesis 1:26, God reveals that we are made in His image and likeness. One of the most profound aspects of that image is the ability to imagine and design, to dream and bring those dreams to life. Every film, song, painting, business venture, and breakthrough that has emerged from Los Angeles reflects humanity’s divine call to innovate, to steward, and to create. You’ve always been a place where the Creator’s reflection shines through the hearts of His creation.
The job of an artist is to reflect the times, to reach deep within and hold up a mirror to the world. Los Angeles has always been that mirror. You are a leader in shaping the images, stories, and sounds that move and connect us. You remind us who we are. And now, even in devastation, you are leading once again—reflecting back our humanity, resilience, and hope.
You are showing us that at our core, we are people who care for each other. The humanity we’re seeing in your streets, neighborhoods, and shelters is unlike anything I’ve ever seen. Your ability to mobilize, organize, and connect has been breathtaking. In the midst of despair, you’ve made it easy for us to help from a distance. The images of people coming together, the stories of those who’ve lost everything, the honesty in your uncertainty, firefighters giving everything they’ve got, and communities rising up to serve—they’re reminders of what it means to be “my brother’s keeper.”
But you’ve also exposed our fractures. The blame game, the callous words, the politics of pain—they reveal the hardness of hearts and the desensitization that has crept into our collective soul. You’ve held up the mirror and reminded us how deeply apathetic we’ve become to each other’s pain. And we’re reckoning with it.
The dangers of climate change are no longer theoretical. They are real and present, and you are bearing the brunt of it. Fire season has always been a thing, but no one but God could have seen this coming. It’s a wake-up call, a glimpse of a reality more of us could face. None of us are truly safe in our environments anymore. And yet, in the midst of uncertainty, you remain a beacon of resilience.
Thank you, Los Angeles. Thank you for reflecting the times. Thank you for your humanity, your love, and your resilience. Thank you for serving the world even in one of your darkest moments. You’ve always been a place we’ve admired from afar, a place of aspiration. And today, despite the ashes and the smoke, you’re still gorgeous as ever. We promise to be there when the coverage fades. We promise to help you rebuild. We promise to help you walk through the reality of what’s next. You’ve done so much for us and we promise to be there for you when you need it most.
The one thing no one can ever take from you is your hope. Hold on tight to it.
May the Lord keep you, bless you, and protect you. May the Lord smile on you and be gracious to you. May the Lord show you His favor and give you His peace.
Sending you so much love,
I've lived in this city for 15 years. My whole adulthood. Everything I know for myself, I learned in Los Angeles. This week have been so jarring for us. This love-letter your wrote is the first thing I've read that gave me hope for my city. Deeply. Thank YOU.
As an Angeleno-thank you for this. Beautiful ❤️