Welcome to the best work of our life.
Becoming our best work means aligning our life and work with God’s original design for us.
BestWork is a community for all of us who are ready to clear the noise, reclaim our purpose, and become the best work of our lives.
We believe in the transformative power of community. Community isn’t just about connection—it’s the great accelerator. It’s the space where growth happens faster, deeper, and more powerfully. Together, we’re building a space where we can grow, learn, and practically apply wisdom that will help us become everything we’re meant to be.
Here’s what you can expect from BestWork every week:
Becoming Our Best Work | Sundays at 5p est
Every Sunday night, this space will be our headquarters. Essays, insights, practices, lessons from lived experiences and the essentials to get into the practice of becoming our best work.
The Morning Word | Monday - Friday at 6 a.m.
Think of this as our spiritual espresso shot—a daily word to awaken our minds and spirits. A short, intentional dose of truth to help us start our day centered, focused, and inspired.
The Rest Ethic | Fridays at noon
This will be our weekly reminder to rest. When we live by a rest ethic we work from a place of rest, we don't work to earn rest. Resting isn’t about laziness; it’s about living in rhythm, working from peace instead of striving for it. This weekly pause will help you reset your focus so you can keep becoming without burning out.
Building Why | Monthly when I feel like it
This will pull back the curtain on my journey as a founder, leader, and creator. The unfiltered truth about walking out purpose—what’s working, what’s challenging, and the lessons I’m learning along the way. It’s not polished or perfect, but it’s real, and I hope it inspires you to keep building your own “why.”
We can’t wait to see you in the community.
sending you so much love wherever you are,